Yup, it's me. It's been awhile since my last entry. How are you all? ;o)
Thank you for all the comments that you have left for me - - I have read them and I truly appreciate them. I am so sorry if I haven't responded to any of your mails (I haven't had the courage to sort through my inbox!!!), I have no excuse except I thought I had to keep to myself.
I am okay, I am holding up and I do miss being creative. A lot has happened since I buried myself in my rabbit hole, but this is one piece of realization that I am most excited and happy about: I will definitely go back to my crazy-scrapbooker self (slowly but surely!!!).
Now that I have the courage to write this entry, I suddenly felt scared: do I still know how to scrapbook? I don't know, I'll find out within the week as I want to do something with my
Bella Blvd stuff. I haven't touched any of my papers since my last layout (featured in the
post below); my camera got neglected; I haven't updated my facebook account; haven't accessed my yahoo account (my inbox has more than 4,000 unread emails!!!). In five months, my family has grown bigger (we got an additional mini-schnauzer and a German Shepherd - - we have 4 dogs now!!!), my kids have grown super fast (wait 'til you see them!!!), I myself have grown and aged a bit (haha!!!!).
Another question: what will I scrapbook? Let's see - - my dilemma before was that my topics/subjects were too personal for my own good (well, that's the reluctant me speaking) - - I thought I was sharing too much and I just couldn't blur or hide my captions/journaling as I felt that would compromise my art (and I couldn't reconcile that with me being on several DTs). I am still struggling with that right now, but I have come to terms that I need an outlet to get over my relapse. The experience to get out of the dark and face everyone is daunting and humbling...
I guess, I just have to focus on happier things... like breathing... like writing on this blog... like being back...
Hope you all have a happy day.