Thursday, April 16, 2009


Yep, I'm still in. Thanks so much to those people who let me stay on for another round. ;o)

For Round 3, entitled "Show us You", is a two-part challenge:

Part 1 requires the participants to title and to describe the column that you would want to write in the magazine. If given the chance, it's a no-brainer - - this is my dream column.

For Part 2, the participants should create a LO showing yourself and your scrapping style. I am really happy with how my LO turned out (you can view it here) - - this is sooo ME.

I'm soo glad I was able to do this Round (I thought too much office work will not let me submit anything). Here's to hoping I'll see the light for Round 4.

Thanks for the support everyone.


1 comment:

LG said...

Congratulations sweetie! I know you can make it. You will always have my votes, you know that :P

For your Round 3, one word, BRILLIANT!!!!

Wishing you all the luck on this round!


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